Saturday, September 18, 2010


OMG! Heavy rain! Sometimes i wonder why when i was really sad, it suddenly rain~ It's happen a lots. It may sound crazy. Sometimes i think the rain is my tear. Bla bla bla~ Oh well , it time to pull off my socket. Cause it raining with thunder! I'm trauma with thunder. Hear a lot of cases where computer/laptop damaged by it. Too much thing spinning inside my mind. I was like regret with most of decision i make before. DAMN IT! I really wish i could do better in everything that i did. Sadness sadness sadness. All i can do is pray to my lord Jesus Christ. Keep praying and praying. To the person that hurt by my action today~ I'm terribly sorry. I don't mean anything at all. It just that most of my friend like to tease me. So if you could just understand the situation. Please just forgive me. No more misunderstood. If you want to make things clear, I will immediately do it! So no more misunderstood! I already lose someone that i truly love. This time, i don't want to lose some one like you, a friend like you. Cause you always had my back when i was sad and lost. That what i called as true friend. If there is anything that i can do to make the things right. I will do~ rain rain rain~ I present tonight heavy rain as my tear to you.. Omma truly sorry to oppa~ :)
Excited to go to church tomorrow! Going To Pray a lot!! Praise Lord! Make everything right! :)

Heavy Rain T,T Outside My Window